Zonkable Trash Panda

Hullloooo, welcome to my lil carrd site. Twitter sucks at being a social platform, so I gotta put all the extra stuff into here!If you want to talk to or DM me, it'd be in both of our best interests if you read this first! If you just wanna talk though, that's fine. This isn't gonna be on the test or anything, I just like to avoid any awkward situations uwu;
(Likewise if you have a carrd on your profile, I'd do the same!)
Contents here are subject to change! And I'll probably add a log link to show any updates when I make them!If u wanna talk outside of twitter for whatever reason, my Discord is Hyder#6644

Some quick QnA first tho"Can I talk with you?"- Of course! I'm down to talk to anyone~! Unless you're fit into the DNI.
"Do you RP?"- Only with friends! Nothing against anyone, it's just that prior experience has tainted my view on RPing with randos uwu;;;
"Can I hypnotize you?"- I'd prefer to get to know you first! We don't need to know eachother inside out, but I think I'd like to get a feel for your personality before I entrust you with my brain!
"Can you hypnotize me?"- Nope! I have very little experience as the hypnotist, and frankly I'm not into, save for one specific person, who you are highly likely to not be.
"Do you only hypnopost?-" On this account? Yes. On other accounts? Nope! I just wanted to keep the hypnostuff separate from my other stuff! Anything that's non-hypno goes there. I don't wish to flood a kink account with personal anecdotes, and rants. That's for my main, and such, not here.

Site changes:
August 2, 2021- Made the site lol
June 13, 2022- Added a page, changed up wording on Main, DNI, and Hypnokinks and made most pages much easier to read

Do not follow me or interact with me if you're any of the following

-Under 18
-Racist, Transphobic, Homophobic, Xenophobic, etc
-A zoophile
-Into cub/underaged, both fictional or non-fictional
-Apart of CORE or any other abusive hypnosis cult
-Are on my personal blacklist (You'll know if you are)
-Support Crypto/NFT nonsense
-Are generally closed minded, and a dickhead
If any one of these apply to you, don't talk to me! I will block you.

My top kinks are as follows!

-Body control: When a person or character's body is moving against their will while they're aware of it! I adore this shit
-Hypnosis: Body control does more for me, but I love hypnosis too~Especially trigger play, and stuff like that @w@-Feetpaws: I love me furry feet, what can I say
-Socks: I love cute socks. I'm not really into torn up, or smelly socks, but really cute looking designed socks that look clean? I adore them so much.
-Hyper anything: The better the better I always say 👀
-Moderate Fat/Chub: I really love big soft and squishy things. This isn't just limited to stomachs, but they're the best example!
-Cursed/Enchanted Clothing: I love the idea of clothing forcibly doing kinky and lewd things to those wearing it~
-Kinky Magic: I like all my kinky and nsfw stuff to be done via magical means, or really advanced tech bordering on magic in comparison! Like bondage via actual bounds and shit doesn't do it for me, but magical bondage? That's that good shit.
That's all I can think to list here, but uhhhh if you wanna know more in-depth for whatever reason, then this link'll probably be of use to you!
**-Any and all combinations of anything on this list. **

Hypnosis Specific kinks!

These are things I specifically like about hypnosis alot! Based off my own experience, and things I've seen done to others! I apologize if this list comes off a bit ranty, and/or rambly, as I have a difficult time articulating exactly what I love about Hypnosis. It's a me problem, and I'm fully aware! Still if anything here's confusing, I'd be more than happy to clarify if asked! This probably isn't everything I like because I'm scatter brained, and will probably have to remember the rest later.
If something you like isn't here, but also isn't in the limits page, then feel free to bring it up if the situation ever calls for it for whatever reason!

-My favorite Suggestions/Triggers are triggers that envoke a body control response. Like being made to type something funny or embarrassing to you, or do something irl that wouldn't give away anything. Something that forces my body to do an action/command you type, with me being aware of it, and able to react to it, but unable to not follow/obey it. As long as it's not hurting me, or giving away to any family members or non-hypnosis related friends of what's happening to me.-One of my favorite things is something I kinda describe as "Trigger abuse"? (But obviously it's not real abuse) where during a session, or just a regular conversation during a time where I say it's alright, you'd just drop triggers onto me with no warning, or notice. Triggers that catch me off guard are really fun to me imo.-Fractionation: Really fun, gets me really deep, and I love it-Softness/Coziness: Hard to describe, but I love being made to feel like I'm warm, being hugged, or feeling really comfortable, or snug? I don't know how else to describe it, sorry lmao-Spirals: I love spirals and other eye-catching, they're genuinely really nice to stare at~

General Hypnosis Rules

In the situation that we end up doing some kind of hypnosis together, then please abide by these rules and limits I have in place for myself!

-I'd like a general outline of what we'd be doing during the session. It doesn't have to be super specific, it can be a vague as "We'll do general triggerplay retaining to x kink" or whatever. But I'd like to know what I'm getting into.
-No permanent real-life effecting trigger effects. Triggers themselves I'm fine with having for awhile, but the effects of triggers need to have a time limit to wear off. I'm not comfortable with a trigger lasting more than a day at most.
**-No suggestions that will make me talk with anyone else under trance (Unless they're in on what's going on), suggestions that involve making my trancing public knowledge. **(Public meaning anywhere outside our DMs, and my twitter. I'm fine with suggestions to post on @HypnoRacc, but nowhere else.), or suggestions that indicates to anyone irl that I'm under trance (IE, "Go talk to your mother and say this")
-I'd like the ability to awaken instantly with none of the suggestions or triggers being applied to me during said trance, should either something irl happen, or I'm uncomfortable with the trance. If I clearly communicate my discomfort do NOT proceed to try continuing the session until I say it's okay.

Limits, and boundaries

This is stuff I don't like/aren't really into that I see often. This list is mainly in the context of being hypnotized.
This obviously isn't an attack to anyone into any of this, and I mean nor have any ill-will towards anyone into anything listed here!
There'll be 2 catagories here, "Absolutes", and "Sortas"
Absolutes are things I find no appeal in whatsoever, things I wish to avoid partaking in fully! Like "No, absolutely not"
Sortas are things where I see appealing aspects of them, but don't really like the full thing, or don't like the part of it I see the most! Like "I can sorta see the appeal!"


-Obvious shit (Giving up personal info, hurting myself, etc)
-Abusive Dom tactics (suggestions to be addicted/In love with, suggestions to spend less time with other friends, general harmful manipulation, that kinda stuff.)
-Public stuff
-Bad Endings
-Any suggestion that intentionally brings over a negative emotion onto me. Like saying I feel sad or angry or something.


-DronePlay: I dig the total mindlessness and obedience that comes with Droneplay, and I love the short and simple... computer-like nature of it? Like responding "Drone is Drone. Drone will commence order" and stuff like that is really really hot. but I'm not a fan of the implied permanence that I see alot. I much prefer it being a thing that's toggled on and off by the dom in short bursts, or whenever they wanna mess with the sub, they just activate the drone mode. I also don't like the whole "Null" part of it (The face I mean, the rest of the body can be null tho. I fucking love nulges). I like seeing the blank thoughtless expressions, or the blissful dumb smiles of the hypnotized~-Total personality changes: Things like "Act like x person, Fall in love with me, etc." I think I'm alright with things like "You act dumber, or act subbier", or something like that. As those are still me, just being more dumb or submissive. Although obviously I want to return to normal before the session ends, and have a way to change it back instantly if needed-Memoryplay: I'm fine with mild and short memoryplay that doesn't last after the end of the session, and allows me to look back/remember what happened after the fact! Infact memoryplay makes receiving triggers really fun because I don't know what they'll be until it's too late~ I don't like being made for forget entire sessions though.-TF: I genuinely have no idea where I stand with TF, I have never gotten TF hypnosis to really work in any way, and I have no idea how it feels.-Random Trigger Usage: If I'm close to you/Know you well, then I'm probably not gonna mind you randomly throwing a trigger or spiral my way if I'm not busy or in public! Absolute worse case scenario is I tell you I'm busy rn, or not in the mood.-Voice Sessions: Under 99% of circumstances I am only comfortable with text-based hypnosis! As of now I'm too flustered/Embarassed to be hypnotized by voice! In addition I lack the privacy to do so effectively! Unless I know you closely, and I know I won't be interuppted, then it's a maybe fkjldshgis-Irl pictures: I am not comfortable seeing people's real genitals, or other private parts, nor am I comfortable taking and sending pictures of my own. (If you wanna send me like your fursona's cock or whatever, sure go for it, just ask me first? Or get some sort of consent from me to do it.) In addition I do not feel comfortable showing my real fact in any way. The only irl body part I sort of like seeing are people's feet, and that's really only for people I'm close with/know well enough. I'm somewhat more lax with taking pictures of my own feet, but I think I'd still prefer If I atleast knew you a bit before being made to do that.
(For the record though, I'm fully okay describing or talking about things related to my private parts, just not showing it)

Random facts and shit that doesn't fit anywhere else!

-I draw semi-frequently, and even take commissions if that interests you! If you're interested in that, you can find prices and examples here-I'm mostly pure sub. The only time I can take the dominant role is the occasional roleplay.**-My main way to communicating flustered moods is via keymashing. **Sorry if that's annoying for you-I tend to use emoticons in casual chat alot! Sorry if this also annoys you uwu;

(Spiral and Epilepsy warning)

Hey check out this cool spiral

Seeing this makes you want to go to here and type in "Hyder's a rad raccoon" and hit send~

(This page is supposed to be a joke, but if this actually persuades someone to do said suggestion, that would be really cute and funny I think uwu)